
Launch the AR VR retail experience for your company

The retail industry has grown exponentially with the advent of  AR and VR. The stats say that there has been an uptake in conversions for up to 250% in the retail industry alone. In case, you’re looking for guidance to launch the AR VR retail experience for your company without burning a hole in your pocket, we’ve got you covered. 

How to launch an AR VR retail experience for your company? 

There are 4 key things to take note of while adopting the AR VR experiences.

Let’s dive deep:

1.  Choose the right implementation partner

Three-dimensional models play a foundational role in all visual technologies from augmented reality to virtual reality. Hence getting the perfect 3D models that your brand can use is crucial for the AR VR retail experience. This often leads to 3D models that are too many to handle without the right skillset. Platforms like HelloAR solve this by providing end-to-end content management for these images. Furthermore, AR VR retail experience can be easy to implement only with an efficient no-code engine that lets you customize the tech as you wish.

2. Look for make-or-break features

A good creator platform can go a long way in helping you set the right footing in providing the best AR VR retail experience. An essential feature of such a platform is an embedded CPQ to ensure the easy sale and purchase processes. Moreover, product interactions are another important feature that platforms must provide since this tech has been proven to increase user engagement by over 60%! 

3. Try first, scale second

Beginning with a new AR VR retail experience can be very daunting for new companies. Hence, choosing a platform that allows you to try out a few products before scaling your catalog is the best way to begin. 

Rules to perfect the AR VR retail experience 

Here are some basic rules that one must follow while delivering an immersive e-commerce experience. 

Simple, immersive, and effective

3D product interactions work as a guide for users highlighting their features, USPs, and even the user manual. For example, take a look at this washing machine interactive.

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Best AR VR retail experience with an Interactive product catalog 

Displaying all possible variants of a product to the customer at a click of a button is mandatory with AR VR. Many furniture brands showcase different builds, materials, colors, and shapes that suit customers' requirements. 

Provide the best visual experience

Most product-related questions can be answered just by a few images. These images have to be crystal clear and true to life to instill trust in the user. Different images including animated views and images from different angles are necessary to allow seamless product interaction between the user and the product they need. 

Ready to deliver the best AR VR retail experience

AR and VR in eCommerce have long been the talking point of the industry. Hence, any company that has not yet utilized the power of this tech, risks falling behind and losing loyal customers. Platforms like HelloAR enable companies of all domains to launch their own AR VR retail experience and watch their business revenues transform to unbelievable extents.