
Create studio-quality 360 car images with your phone!

Imagine generating thousands of studio-quality 360 car images in mere seconds with your phone. Yes, you read that right, with HelloAR technology, any person with a phone can help you create a standard gallery of 360 car images and more.

May it be car owners or different car businesses all require the best 360 car images that please the eye. However, it is considered that the best car images are possible only with a fancy showroom or a high-end camera, all of which require tons of time and money. But what if we tell you that all you need to generate studio-quality car images in mere seconds using only your phone and an app?

Check out the galleries of Spinny, Cars24, and GigaCars which use HelloAR for all their visual commerce needs.

Try HelloAR

What do you need to create the best 360 car images?

While good quality and cost-effectiveness are important factors in generating good 360 car images, here is a quick list of what you need and what you certainly don’t need.

How does the HelloAR app create and optimize your 360 car images?

The HelloAR app not only makes 360 car images but also heightens its effectiveness with the following features.

1. Image background removal

Backgrounds in images are an important concern for most people. Having a clean and crisp image is all about having a clean and classy background. HelloAR’s app helps you generate the cleanest backgrounds for images that look pretty perfect.

2. Professional background templates

Custom-made templates for all images are a dream for all perfectionists! Consistency among all 360 car images gives that nice and sleek look to your collection of images. Moreover, professionally curated templates make the right first impression on anyone who sees your car images and instills trust at first sight.

3. 360-degree interior and exterior capture

The full experience of a 360 car image is possible only when a user visualizes the external and the internal look of the car. Detailed images of both these angles help the user gain critical information that they need, by just looking at the images.

4. Damage tagging

While 360 car images show the beauty of your car, damage tagging instills transparency in them. This feature allows you to highlight any damages or imperfections on the car that your customer should be aware of prior to making a sale. Such honesty can go a long way in building a long relationship with the customer.

How to use HelloAR to get the best 360 car images?

Here are the quick steps to generate your desired 360 car images with the HelloAR app, within seconds.

Step 1: Install and sign into the HelloAR App for Auto

HelloAR App for Auto is available only on the App Store.

1. Open the App Store on your iPhone.
2. In the Search, look for “HelloAR for Auto”.
3. Click the install button and the App will be available on your device.

HelloAR App for Auto supports OTP-based Sign in. Users will receive the OTP on their registered email id that is added by the HelloAR team.

Step 2: Add a new product and enter its details

To create a new product, click on “Local” and then click the “Add” button to create a new product.

Users can enter the Name and LookupID of the car that is being cataloged, wherein the name and lookup id can be the following:

Name of: Fill in the Car Registration Number or the Name of the car

Lookup ID: Any reference ID number as per user.

Once the details have been entered, click the next button.

Step 3: Capturing Exterior 360° Spin of the vehicle

HelloAR App for Auto allows you to capture 360° Spin using the Direct Capture Option.

On selecting Direct Capture, the app will open the camera settings.

Click on the Capture Button to start the capture.

Once Capture is complete, a preview of the 360 Spin and Slots with the ability to select the Start image and End image will be available on the screen as shown below.

Studio quality 360 car images in seconds!

The HelloAR team and its app have proven their mettle in providing the immersive car images that you are looking for. Reputed clients like have benefited from HelloAR’s expertise. What are YOU waiting for?